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Text File  |  1991-10-18  |  9KB  |  341 lines

  1. /*********************************************************************
  2. /*
  3. /*    “The Dark Jewelry”
  4. /*
  5. /*          ― Theme from Dark ―
  6. /*
  7. /*           KARAOKE CONSFIG file
  8. /*
  9. /*      KOK & CFG file generate … Aya
  10. /*      Technical arrange       … TaroPYON
  11. /*
  12. /*      TABSIZE = 4;
  13. /*
  14. /*********************************************************************
  15. /*    Jewelry.KOKにできるだけあわせてみました☆
  16. /*    タイミング等はKOKと同じになってるハズ(^_^;)です。          (Aya)
  17. /*********************************************************************
  19. KARAOKE_start {
  20. #    tiff_load("l:\\hc\\edit\\work\\party.tif",0,0,0)
  21.     RET=""
  22.     wind_close()
  23.     wind_init()
  24.     star_count = 0;
  25.     kok_next = 0;    /* 初期化    */
  26. }
  27. KARAOKE_end {
  28.     wind_close()
  29.     wind_init()
  30. }
  33. Kok_start {
  34.     RET = "  "
  35. }
  37. STAR_1 {
  38.     RET = "★"
  39. }
  40. STAR_2 {
  41.     RET = "☆ ☆"
  42. }
  43. SUB_1 {
  44.     RET = "☆ Theme from Dark ☆"
  45. }
  46. SUB_2 {
  47.     RET = "一 Theme from Dark 一"
  48. }
  49. TITLE {
  50.     RET = "“The Dark Jewelry”"
  51. }
  52. MUSIC { RET =
  53. "                                                         music by TaroPYON"
  54. }
  55. WORDS { RET =
  56. "                                                              words by Aya"
  57. }
  58. S8 { RET =
  59. "                                                                  ○○○○"
  60. }
  61. S7 { RET =
  62. "                                -3-                            ●○○○"
  63. }
  64. S6 { RET =
  65. "                                -3-                            ●○○○"
  66. }
  67. S5 { RET =
  68. "                                -2-                            ●●○○"
  69. }
  70. S4 { RET =
  71. "                                -2-                            ●●○○"
  72. }
  73. S3 { RET =
  74. "                                -1-                            ●●●○"
  75. }
  76. S2 { RET =
  77. "                                -1-                            ●●●○"
  78. }
  79. S1 { RET =
  80. "                               -START-                          ●●●●"
  81. }
  82. 1st_1 {
  83.     RET = "闇を 切り裂く 赤い 稲妻"
  84. }
  85. 1st_2 {
  86.     RET = "命の炎のように 激しく"
  87. }
  88. 1st_3 {
  89.     RET = "それを 見し者 まるで 矢のように"
  90. }
  91. 1st_4 {
  92.     RET = "胸を 射ぬかれ 心 奪われ"
  93. }
  94. 2nd_1 {
  95.     RET = "闇に 深く 響きわたる"
  96. }
  97. 2nd_2 {
  98.     RET = "その魂の叫び 溢れて"
  99. }
  100. 2nd_3 {
  101.     RET = "滝を落下する 水流のように"
  102. }
  103. 2nd_4 {
  104.     RET = "激しく 強く 心 揺さぶる"
  105. }
  106. 3rd_1 {
  107.     RET = "魅入られし者 闇に集いて"
  108. }
  109. 3rd_2 {
  110.     RET = "それを讃える 歌を歌うよ"
  111. }
  112. 3rd_3 {
  113.     RET = "その歌声は 闇をつらぬき"
  114. }
  115. 3rd_4 {
  116.     RET = "君の心に 今 聴こえる"
  117. }
  118. Ref_1 {
  119.     RET = "時のはざまで かわることなく"
  120. }
  121. Ref_2 {
  122.     RET = "Ah 今も闇で君をみつめる"
  123. }
  124. Ref_3 {
  125.     RET = "Red Eyes"
  126. }
  127. Ref_4 {
  128.     RET = "Ah 赤く赤く光る Jewelry"
  129. }
  130. Ref_5 {
  131.     RET = "In The Dark"
  132. }
  133. Ref_6 {
  134.     RET = "魂よ 叫べ 想いの限りを"
  135. }
  136. Ref_7 {
  137.     RET = "Ah 導きしもの それは Jewelry"
  138. }
  139. Ref_8 {
  140.     RET = "Ah 闇空(ソラ)にきらめく 星は Jewelry"
  141. }
  142. Cor_1 {
  143.     RET = "<<Theme from Dark>>"
  144. }
  145. Cor_2 {
  146.     RET = "<<The dark jewelry>>"
  147. }
  148. Cor_3 {
  149.     RET = "<<The spark strike your eyes>>"
  150. }
  151. Cor_4 {
  152.     RET = "<<The songs are heartfelt>>"
  153. }
  154. Cor_5 {
  155.     RET = "<<forever>>"
  156. }
  157. C_s5 { RET =
  158. "                           <<all the time>>                               "
  159. }
  160. C_s4 { RET =
  161. "                           <<all the time>>                       ○○○○"
  162. }
  163. C_s3 { RET =
  164. "                           <<all the time>>                       ●○○○"
  165. }
  166. C_s2 { RET =
  167. "                           <<all the time>>                       ●●○○"
  168. }
  169. C_s1 { RET =
  170. "                           <<all the time>>                       ●●●○"
  171. }
  174. KARAOKE {
  175.     TOTAL = MEAS;
  176.     mul ( "TOTAL", 384 )
  177.     add ( "TOTAL", CLOCK )
  179.     expr("temp","\(TOTAL)-\(kok_next)")    /* 意味的ニハ if ( TOTAL < kok_next )    */
  180.     if ( temp < 0 )                        /* トシタインダケド… コウイヤナイト デキナイ        */
  181.     {    return    (-1)                    /* 次のカラオケ文字までスキップ    */
  182.     }
  184.     if ( TOTAL < 4416 )    /* if() で分割したほうが処理が軽くなるので…    */
  185.     {    switch_run ( TOTAL,     0,"Kok_start;kok_next=1440;",
  186.                              1440,"STAR_1;kok_next=1488;",
  187.                              1488,"STAR_2;kok_next=1536;",
  188.                              1536,"SUB_1; kok_next=1584;",
  189.                              1584,"SUB_2; kok_next=2304;",
  190.                              2304,"TITLE; kok_next=3072;",
  191.                              3072,"MUSIC; kok_next=3504;",
  192.                              3504,"WORDS; kok_next=4032;",
  193.                              4032,"S8;    kok_next=4032;",
  194.                              4080,"S7;    kok_next=4080;",
  195.                              4128,"S6;    kok_next=4128;",
  196.                              4176,"S5;    kok_next=4224;",
  197.                              4224,"S4;    kok_next=4272;",
  198.                              4272,"S3;    kok_next=4320;",
  199.                              4320,"S2;    kok_next=4368;",
  200.                              4368,"S1;    kok_next=4368;"
  201.                    )
  202.     } else if ( TOTAL < 24614 )
  203.     {    switch_run ( TOTAL,  4416,"1st_1; kok_next=5952;",
  204.                              5952,"1st_2; kok_next=7488;",
  205.                              7488,"1st_3; kok_next=9024;",
  206.                              9024,"1st_4; kok_next=10560;",
  207.                             10560,"Ref_1; kok_next=11904;",
  208.                             11904,"Ref_2; kok_next=13440;",
  209.                             13440,"Ref_3; kok_next=14390;",
  210.                             14390,"2nd_1; kok_next=15926;",
  211.                             15926,"2nd_2; kok_next=17462;",
  212.                             17462,"2nd_3; kok_next=18998;",
  213.                             18998,"2nd_4; kok_next=20543;",
  214.                             20543,"Ref_1; kok_next=21878;",
  215.                             21878,"Ref_4; kok_next=23414;",
  216.                             23414,"Ref_5; kok_next=24614;"
  217.                    )
  218.     } else if ( TOTAL < 26006 )
  219.     {    /************************************************************/
  220.         /*  流れ☆パート(禁断のテク使用(^^))                      */
  221.         /*  KOK より文字の表現力が落ちたけど,かわりこういうことが  */
  222.         /*  できる(^^)                                              */
  223.         /************************************************************/
  224.         col = C_GREEN;
  225.         COM()
  226.         kok_next=24614;
  227.         if ( star_count ! 0 )
  228.         {    return    (-1)
  229.         }
  230.     } else if ( TOTAL < 29654 )
  231.     {    if ( star_count ! 0)
  232.         {    wind_close()    /* 流れ☆用のウィンドゥを消す    */
  233.             star_count = 0;
  234.         }
  235.         switch_run ( TOTAL, 26006,"Cor_1; kok_next=26774;",
  236.                             26774,"Cor_2; kok_next=27542;",
  237.                             27542,"Cor_3; kok_next=28310;",
  238.                             28310,"Cor_4; kok_next=29078;",
  239.                             29078,"C_s5;  kok_next=29318;",
  240.                             29318,"C_s4;  kok_next=29366;",
  241.                             29366,"C_s3;  kok_next=29462;",
  242.                             29462,"C_s2;  kok_next=29558;",
  243.                             29558,"C_s1;  kok_next=29654;"
  244.                     )
  245.     } else if ( TOTAL < 43814 )
  246.     {    switch_run ( TOTAL, 29654,"S1;    kok_next=29750;",
  247.                             29750,"3rd_1; kok_next=31286;",
  248.                             31286,"3rd_2; kok_next=32822;",
  249.                             32822,"3rd_3; kok_next=34358;",
  250.                             34358,"3rd_4; kok_next=35894;",
  251.                             35894,"Ref_6; kok_next=37238;",
  252.                             37238,"Ref_7; kok_next=38774;",
  253.                             38774,"Ref_5; kok_next=39734;",
  254.                             39734,"Ref_1; kok_next=41078;",
  255.                             41078,"Ref_8; kok_next=42614;",
  256.                             42614,"Ref_5; kok_next=43814;"
  257.                    )
  258.     } else if ( TOTAL < 45206 )
  259.     {    /* 流れ☆パート2!!ヤッテルコトハ同ジ…(^^)    */
  260.         col = C_YELLOW;    /* 色は黄色だよン    */
  261.         COM()
  262.         kok_next=43814;
  263.         if ( star_count ! 0 )
  264.         {    return    (-1)
  265.         }
  266.     } else
  267.     {    if ( star_count ! 0)
  268.         {    wind_str_color(C_WHITE)            /* 文字の色 (白)    */
  269.             echo("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n")
  270.             star_count = 0;
  271.             kok_count = 0;
  272.         }
  273.         /* kok_next を TOTALより4分音すすめる    */
  274.         expr("kok_next","\(TOTAL)+96")
  275.         Kok_ending()
  276.         inc(kok_count)
  277.         if( RET = "" )
  278.         {    return    (-1)
  279.         }
  280.     }
  281. /*    RET = "\(RET) \(TOTAL)"    #DEBUG 用    */
  282.     return    (0)    /*  表示  */
  283. }
  286. /*********************************************************************
  287. /*    流れ☆
  288. /*
  289. /*    座標範囲    (0,0)-(415,213)
  290. /*
  291. COM {
  292.     if ( star_count = 0 )
  293.     {    wind_bac_color(C_MBLACK)
  294.         wind_open()
  295.         xx = 380;
  296.     }
  297.     graph("line",-20,0,xx,213,0,col)
  298.     inc(star_count)
  299.     add("xx",10)
  301.     /* ウィンドゥさえ出せばグラフィックはなんでもあり(^^)            */
  302.     /* TIFF もロードできるけど 時間がかかるから…。チョット無理ガアルカ    */
  303. }
  306. /*********************************************************************
  307. /*    エンディング・スクロール・パート
  308. /*    コレモ チョット 無理ガ アルカナァ~
  309. /*
  310. Kok_ending {
  311.     if ( kok_count = 0 )
  312.     {    RET = "<<Theme from Dark>>"
  313.     } else if ( kok_count = 8 )
  314.     {    RET = "<<The dark jewelry>>"
  315.     } else if ( kok_count = 16 )
  316.     {    RET = "<<The spark strike your eyes>>"
  317.     } else if ( kok_count = 24 )
  318.     {    RET = "<<The songs are heartfelt>>"
  319.     } else if ( kok_count = 32 )
  320.     {    RET = "<<forever>>"
  321.     } else if( kok_count = 70 )
  322.     {    RET = "・  ・ ・ ‥…forever…‥・ ・ ・  ・"
  323.     } else if ( kok_count = 74 )
  324.     {    RET = ""
  325.         wind_close()
  326.         wind_init()
  327.         kok_next = 99999;
  328.         return    (-1)
  329.     } else
  330.     {    RET =""
  331.     }
  332.     /* センタリング処理    チョット難シイカナ(^^)    */
  333.     strlen(RET)
  334.     LEN = VAL;
  335.     expr("TMP","(50-\(LEN))/2")
  336.     FORM = "%\(TMP)s";
  337.     strform("TMP",FORM,"")    /* TMP個の空白を作る    */
  338.     echo("\(TMP)\(RET)\n")
  339. }